Realtor Donald O’Meara on Johnston County Real Estate
Jonathan Breeden: [00:00:00] Why did you decide to go out on your own and what makes Am O’Meara Realty different than the other realtors?
Donald O’Meara: So that, was the biggest part. I,
I, One I wanted to get away from any franchise, so it was locally owned and operated small, so I had more control over it so that I could kind of set my own fees, set my own structure with my people and didn’t have to answer to the big corporations that wasn’t really in Johnston County.
There’s a lot of big franchise real agents in Johnston County, but there’s only a few that are actually just only owned and operated in Johnston County.
So that was a big thing for me is that I just wanted to just set aside and be a Johnston County, locally owned and operated agency.
Narrator: Welcome to another episode of Best of Johnston County, brought to you by Breeden Law Office. Our host, Jonathan Breeden, an experienced family lawyer with a deep connection to the community, is ready to take you on a journey through the area that he has called home for over 20 years. Whether it’s a deep dive into the love locals have for the county or unraveling the [00:01:00] complexities of family law, Best of Johnston County presents an authentic slice of this unique community.
Jonathan Breeden: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Best of Johnston County podcast. I’m your host, Jonathan Breeden, and today we have with us Realtor, a good friend of mine, Donald O’Meara. We’re gonna talk a little bit about the O’Meara Realty Group. His involvement in the community with GCAA and downtown Smithfield development and some of the other community service activities he does, as well as why he loves Johnston County and how he got here.
Welcome Donald.
Donald O’Meara: Thank you, Jonathan. Appreciate it being here. So thank you, looking forward to it.
Jonathan Breeden: Well cool. Well first just, I guess, introduce yourself to the audience. Your name, where you’re from, where you grew up, all that good stuff.
Donald O’Meara: Gotcha. So, Donald O’Meara, obviously owner of O’Meara Realty Group, and our office is in Smithfield, North Carolina.
I’m originally from Ashburn, Virginia, which is right near Dulles Airport, the Northern Virginia area. We moved here in 2012. And I started real estate here in 2014. so
Jonathan Breeden: Oh my goodness. That’s [00:02:00] crazy. Yeah. And I think you were a college basketball player?
Donald O’Meara: I played at Pfeiffer University in near route outta Charlotte, North Carolina.
And then I coached at UNCW and Washington and Jefferson College in Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. And when you were coached, I think you coached women.
Donald O’Meara: Yep. Coached women’s basketball. Yes, sir.
Jonathan Breeden: And you were fairly successful at it.
Donald O’Meara: Yeah, we did. And then when I went to Virginia, I was actually a high school girl’s basketball coach. Jokingly, the Marv Levy of girls basketball. I lost three State Championships in a row.
Jonathan Breeden: Oh my goodness. Yeah. That’s tough. So you and uh, Kyle Shanahan of the San Francisco 49ers
Donald O’Meara: Feel on the same page.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. Now he’s lost two Super Bowls as a head coach, and then he was the office coordinator with Atlanta. Blew the 28 to three lead to the uh, new England Patriots.
So, uh. but before Andy Reid won three Super Bowls, he had lost some Super Bowls too. So,
Donald O’Meara: You gotta win, some loose it..
Jonathan Breeden: Right, well, I think you’re a great coach when you get to a State Championship or if you get to a Super Bowl or anything like that, whether you win the actual game or not, because you wouldn’t be there if you weren’t a great coach.
Donald O’Meara: Right. always said great coaches come from great players, so.
Jonathan Breeden: [00:03:00] Right. So why did you transition out of coaching and into real estate?
Donald O’Meara: In all honest truth, one was just kinda lifestyle where we moved, and financially looking to get a better lifestyle for my family, there’s not as lot of money in teaching and coaching. Right?
Especially at the lower level, that and just you know, when I started having kids time, so I wanted something that allowed me more time and really I take my passion for coaching into real estate, working with new real estate agents and clients and teaching them and and I still get to coach my son, which is a cool part for me.
Jonathan Breeden: So, I guess the next question would be you were coaching, you played college basketball and then you were coaching high school and college basketball.
When did you decide to become a realtor? and were you originally licensed in Virginia or North Carolina?
Donald O’Meara: No, actually never did real estate until we came to North Carolina. I was actually obviously a teacher and a coach for years, then I started small business. I did inflatable party rentals when we were in Virginia. When we moved here, I couldn’t really get that off the ground, there was just a lot already going on here, couldn’t get my foot in the door.
So my wife has been in the mortgage industry, oh, that’s true. For [00:04:00] years, she was like, you ought to go get your real estate license. And I was like, everybody tries that and fails, I wanna be the next one. And she was like, no, I think you would be really good and here we are 10 years later.
Jonathan Breeden: So when did you get your real estate license?
Donald O’Meara: 2014.
Jonathan Breeden: Okay. All right. And then did you immediately open a real estate group?
Donald O’Meara: No, I started with,
a bigger franchise and then I went to a little small firm in Garner I. for a little while. And then I decided that 2018 I opened No Mirror Realty Group in Smithfield and we haven’t really looked back, it’s been a great experience.
Jonathan Breeden: Oh, man. Yeah. No, that’s great. I remember when you were, doing that in Garner, that’s when I first met you and Right. and I was going around, I was like, who what? I see these signs everywhere, you know? And then I think we originally met you ended up, we went through GCA, the Greater Cleveland Athletic Association.
Donald O’Meara: Yes, sir.
Jonathan Breeden: And then you coached my son’s team when he was eight. And I’ll never forget when he hit a walk-off Grand Slam and you picked him up and spun him around running down the, into the left field fence. I still have that video on my phone, that was so much fun back in the days. And that’s right when Mirror Realty [00:05:00] group was getting started, like 2018. When y’all did that.
So, why did you decide to go out on your own and what makes Am O’Meara Realty different than the other realtors?
Donald O’Meara: So that was the biggest part. One I wanted to get away from any franchise, so it was locally owned and operated small, so I had more control over it so that I could kind of set my own fees, set my own structure with my people and didn’t have to answer to the big corporations that wasn’t really in Johnston County.
There’s a lot of big franchise real agents in Johnston County, but there’s only a few that are actually just only owned and operated in Johnston County.
So that was a big thing for me is that I just wanted to just set aside and be a Johnston County, locally owned and operated agency.
Jonathan Breeden: Okay. And do y’all do anything different for your clients than any other builders?
Donald O’Meara: Yeah, I think the biggest thing is service and being local. We have a team of local, real estate closing attorneys so that, you know, depending on where they close, we can try to set that up to where they don’t have to drive into Raleigh and have to deal with the [00:06:00] hassles of that.
We also you know, being locally owned and operated, we have a lot of connections with local people, so we know what’s going on. We know a lot about the communities and maybe what’s going next door to you when you move into the communities and just local knowledge like that.
And then obviously, like you said, I gotta kickstarted in 2015 to 18 through GCAA, ended up becoming a coach. The first thing we started doing back then was we sponsored our teams and bought T-shirts for all the parents, right?
So it’s kind of started out as just a little fun thing with the team’s name, and then it kind of got to be taken off where everybody’s running around here with sold by Donald t-shirts on.
And kinda like you said, everybody thought mine signs and name was everywhere. But at that time I was really kind of small, just trying to build right.
Jonathan Breeden: Branding. Right? No doubt.
No doubt.
Donald O’Meara: Brand, sir.
Jonathan Breeden: So, you got the, I guess the office space, which is right there in Dennis Smithfield, right across from the little brown jug for those listing, your window’s faced the little brown jug right there on, was that front street?
Donald O’Meara: Yeah. That street’s Front street.
Jonathan Breeden: Front street, right. Yeah. So, I remember going to the open house that was in [00:07:00] I guess 2018, right? Yeah. That was in that summer then. You had inflatables.
Yeah, yeah, Yeah, we did, we still had some left over from the business. We hadn’t sold completely yet.
Right. Well, that was cool. So, I mean, how many agents do you have now?
Donald O’Meara: So I have eight total agents and then one office person.
Jonathan Breeden: Oh, that’s awesome. Okay.
Donald O’Meara: And actually a new intern. We just hired a girl from Cleveland High School who’s interning with us and she wants to become a real estate agency. I gotcha.
Jonathan Breeden: I gotcha. So what are the initial pro if I’m thinking I wanna sell my house, what’s the first thing I should do?
Donald O’Meara: So the first thing I always tell people is you should probably contact three agents. You know, set up a time, have them come to your house and talk about what they think the value of your house is, what they’re gonna do for you, and then what they’re gonna obviously charge you.
That’s the most important question for everybody.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. Okay. And then I guess y’all put together a, I call it a CMA, like a comparative market analysis. Right, right, right, For the client decide, say, okay, this is what we think we can sell your house for and this is what you’ll make.
Donald O’Meara: That’s right.
Jonathan Breeden: Okay. I gotcha. And I guess y’all could also make [00:08:00] some suggestions of paint ,carpet, that kind of stuff.
Donald O’Meara: Yeah. So typical listen point for me you’ll call me, I’ll come into your house, we’ll go over numbers of recent sales, comparables to your house. We’ll talk about what I’m gonna do to market it, how I can set myself apart from the other 15,000 agents in the Raleigh area.
Then we’re gonna talk about fee structure, how that looks you know, fees, you know, commissions have to be negotiated.
So, it depends on whether you’re just selling, whether you’re selling, buying, or whether you’re selling and moving somewhere else, kind of makes that structure change.
And then we are going to, usually if you decide to hire me, I’ll come back at a later date and I go room to room with you. Or somebody on my team does, and we go through and say, okay, let’s do this, let’s change this, let’s take this piece of furniture, put it in the garage, kind of stage the home for photos, bring in photos, and then put that awesome circle or mirror realty sign in your front yard and get it going.
Jonathan Breeden: Alright. Yeah. So let’s talk a little bit about how has the real estate market changed in the last 12 to 18 months with interest rates now running 7, [00:09:00] 8, 8.5% when the first 10 years of your career interest rates were three or 4%.
Donald O’Meara: Yes. So it’s definitely changed. It’s definitely you know, I would say when I got in 2014 to 16 it’s very similar to right now, even though rates were a little better. Obviously everybody knows during the covid years and stuff like that real estate was crazy, 2 and 3% you know, multiple offers, bidding wars.
We don’t see that as much anymore but we’re still a very healthy market, especially in Johnston County. You’re looking probably at an average of 30 to 45 days on market now instead of three hours, right? Which is a little bit different, but the market is very rate driven.
Right there, after Christmas, the rates dropped into the sixes and it was boom. Things started selling again. Now they’re creeped back up a little bit to sevens and things are a little bit slower.
So, it changes the buying power for people and as we all know, affordability in Johnston County has changed, you know, your average of $400,000 homes now when you used to be in the 200.
So it makes a difference.
Jonathan Breeden: Yeah, no, it’s gone up substantially. I [00:10:00] mean during Covid, all of us that are homeowners in Johnston County, just like you are, saw our houses go up $150,000 in 18 months.
Which is just supply and demand, this is capitalism. You know, and I know people are saying they look at all these growth and stuff, we still have a housing shortage in Johnston County. Don’t you agree?
Donald O’Meara: Yeah. Believe it or not, I mean, and that’s what a lot of people will say, well, they’re building everywhere, but the majority of those were already sold. You know, there’s a catch-up point, but where there’s new construction coming, there’s still not a lot of people reselling.
Because they don’t have nowhere to go or if they resell, you know, and they make $150,000, they’re gonna turn around and put that right into their house to have an equity, you know, the same payment they have now.
So, it’s a tough scenario of, you know, when is the right time to sell and buy and you know, everybody’s reasons is different.
Jonathan Breeden: Yeah. And you know, and I’ve said this on the podcast as we’ve interviewed other builders and people that are in development in the area, and I don’t know if people realize, but being a divorce lawyer where you’re always looking for a place for your clients to move because all of a sudden this relationship is not working out.
You know, there’s [00:11:00] not enough apartments, there’s not enough mobile homes, there’s not enough single-family homes. I mean, there still is a housing shortage, which does keep the inventory low, which I think you just said 30 days, like we don’t have a ton of inventory. And it also continues to drive the prices up despite what the interest rates are.
Donald O’Meara: That’s right. And a lot of people with a complaint. We had this conversation off-camera, a little bit about infrastructure, you gotta have infrastructure. So you gotta have people to pay for the taxes, to pay for the infrastructure, right? And then when the infrastructure catches up, that’s only gonna make this area expand even more.
IE-540. If we look at historically stats in North Raleigh before 540, and what happened when 540 was finished, I think we’re gonna see another uptick here in Johnston County when that’s all done.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. I don’t disagree. I mean, and now whether people are gonna laugh when they hear this, but Garner is about to be inside the BeltLine.
ITV you know, and you think about inside the Beltline, Raleigh and Broughton High School and the great, the Mordecai and the great neighborhoods there is the [00:12:00] quintessential inside the belt line. Now Garner is gonna be inside the Beltline and we’re gonna be right next to the Beltline because 540 comes to exit 309, which is only three miles from 4042.
Donald O’Meara: That’s right. We’re gonna be basically the next Wake Forest, you know, and oh, I never thought about that. So I need to be looking. Now those average median prices in there are 600,000.
So, which is what we’re seeing in some of the new construction on Cleveland Road right now. True Homes and Eastwood have just put in two new subdivisions and they’re starting in the six hundreds.
Jonathan Breeden: Man, that’s a lot of money for a house.
Donald O’Meara: That is, especially in Johnson County. But you know, but that’s a good thing for us in, but I agree as a local real estate agent and working with a couple builders that I’m involved with, we all agree that we need to see some more affordable housing in Johnston County.
You know, 1 27 homes is building quite a few of those, but we need some of the other local small builders to get back into the high to $300,000 homes.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. I think we need more of that, but we’ve also needed more of the homes. I mean, needed. But when you talk about I wanna sell my [00:13:00] home and I’m ready to upgrade, there hasn’t been a lot of those 4,000 to 5,000 square foot homes that people might wanna upgrade to that would bring 6, $700,000.
And so, I think that has kept some of the houses that might be more affordable off the market because those people who wanna move don’t have anywhere to go and they don’t wanna leave Johnston County.
Donald O’Meara: Great. I would agree with that about five years ago, probably if you wanted to sell and upgrade, you were limited to Portofino and a couple small subdivisions like that with the higher end homes or you know, custom build on land. And land is, as we all know, has pushed almost out of affordability in Johnston County.
I used to jokingly say in about 2000, probably 18 when I was coaching David that if you should go Vincent and buy some land. And now you need to go farther, you gotta cross 95 really, it was just.
Jonathan Breeden: I mean, it is crazy and this area is, you know, it’s not just 4042. I mean, it’s the entire county, Pine level had put in a building moratorium last year. It may still be in place. Wilson’s Mills is getting a new high school, they’ve got tremendous growth there.
I [00:14:00] mean, it’s everywhere. Benson is starting to see it, it’s not just Clayton. It’s not just 42 East flowers, whatever. I mean, the entire county is starting to see the growth because people want to live here., This is a well-managed county.
The taxes are reasonable, they cut taxes last year where Wake County and Raleigh, the City of Raleigh, raised taxes almost every single year. And so, people are wanting to move to Johnston County.
There’s good schools, the roads are crowded, but Okay. And I don’t think that’s going to change and there’s nothing Jonathan Breen or Donald O’Meara could do to stop it.
So I think we just need to do the best we can for it.
Donald O’Meara: Yeah, I agree. I mean, I need to say, like you said, that there’s a reason people are coming here is because of, obviously locality.
I mean, the reason I came here, it’s 2014, you know, you’re split halfway between the mountains and the beach. You got the best of both worlds, right? You can go skiing one weekend and you can go to the beach the next weekend and sometimes North Carolina that can be in the same month.
Jonathan Breeden: Well, that’s true, there’s no doubt.
Donald O’Meara: You know, but you do have great [00:15:00] schools, you’ve got amenities. You are within a international airport within 45 minutes and that’s, you know, me and you could talk all day about athletics, but you’re right in the heart of the ACC, which is phenomenal.
So Duke, North Carolina, Wolfpack fans, I mean, you’re right there. So, if we could just get ’em to keep it in Greensboro, that’d be amazing.
Jonathan Breeden: Right.
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Jonathan Breeden: Well, let’s switch subject here and talk a little bit about some of your community involvement. You and I both have been on the Greater Cleveland Athletic Association board.
I just have come off, you’re still on it. What made you want to get involved with that group and what have you learned from that involvement?
Donald O’Meara: So, well, the biggest thing is I started out as a parent, as a GCA parent in basketball and in baseball. And then obviously [00:16:00] with my love for sports, transitioned into coaching pretty fast.
And then once I got in there, you know, I used to get a lot of questions from clients, people moving in, you know, why does GCA do this? Why does, you know? And I said, that’s a great question, I don’t know.
So, there was a board meeting one night and I went up in there and next thing I know I’m on the board. So, and I still don’t know why GCA does some certain things, but I just wanted to be involved in the community and be more than just a coach. Try to help out with some bigger decisions, planning and seeing what was coming for the future ’cause that also helps me in the real estate business to know that, hey, we do have a park.
It might not be for our kids, it would probably be for our grandkids, but at least it’s in the plans and it, there’s a want for it, a need and it’s happening.
So that was the big thing, same thing with Swift Creek, Boosters Club. I jumped on that probably six years ago. My son wasn’t even there, my daughter didn’t play sports, but you know, I just wanted to be a part of the athletic department, help out, help ’em raise money, you know, gave things brand new school, very neat opportunity.
And it’s been a fun ride.
Jonathan Breeden: Yeah. I know you often work the concession stands at the Swift Creek [00:17:00] Middle School games. And we have a little friendly rivalry when Cleveland Middle plays Swift Creek Middle, I’m always cheering for the Cleveland middle teams, and he’s always cheering for the Swift Creek middle teams.
But we can all agree that Cleveland High School is great and the football team there and the athletics there and we’re all Rams at heart here, out here in the Cleveland community.
Tell me a little bit, I know you’re involved with the Downtown Smithfield Development Association. Tell people what that is and what it does?
Donald O’Meara: So, yeah, I’m not on the board, but I do a lot of stuff with them, I think. So, they basically run a lot of activities like Ham and Yam, Third Street Eatery and stuff like that. But really it’s about a promotion of downtown Smithfield businesses. And I guess, what I don’t wanna call it a revamp, but just a bringing businesses, small businesses to Smithfield.
You know, for the longest time nobody really went there unless it’s for the court that you know about, but if you have that being your hub for the courthouse and all the people that are in and out of that, either attorneys or clients and stuff like that. You need restaurants, you need stuff for them to do and eat and shop and just since I [00:18:00] went into the 2018, it’s been a huge change in downtown Smithfield.
They’ve brought in some great new restaurants, there’s been expansion of local , they’ve redone the theater on the Neuse River now, and now they can have concerts, wine walks that, you know, just a lot of stuff that people don’t even know is going on right there in their back pocket.
So, it’s been a great thing for Smithfield.
Jonathan Breeden: Yeah. Well, what are some of your favorite restaurants? I have my favorite restaurants in town at Smithfield. What are some of yours?
Donald O’Meara: So, I hit ’em ball and I’ve hit a lot of them, but, I would say my top one is go, is I love a greasy spoon at the diner.
Okay. Um, The Diner.
I do love the Diner, especially for breakfast. Sammy’s Pizza and they’ve opened up a bar now, which is pretty neat.
Jonathan Breeden: I did not know that.
Donald O’Meara: Yeah, so they’ve got a nice bar in there now, and Chargrill for a hamburger, you can’t really beat a Chargrill hamburger. It doesn’t matter what day of the week I go in there, they’re lined up to the door and you’re out in five minutes if you need to be.
And, you know, love it or leave it, crickets is amazing.
Jonathan Breeden: Crickets. That’s true. I mean, crickets is a staple. No doubt. Yeah. Well, and I think that Downtown Development Association and the town of Smithfield have done a nice [00:19:00] job, you know, they lit up the trees which some people thought was a waste of money, but it looks great.
And they’ve got more events at Christmas, you can do the horse-drawn carriages and do lots of Christmas decorations and I would say anybody that’s not spending time in downtown Smithfield. You should go. I think you would find it exciting and there’s a lot of great businesses there.
Same thing with Selma, with the antiques and that kind of stuff. And I think, I guess before we get outta here, you or your wife are part owners of Celtic Creamery, which is not exactly in downtown Smithfield, but right outside of Smithfield.
Donald O’Meara: We’re right on the edge. Yeah. We don’t fall under the downtown Smithfield jurisdiction, unfortunately, but we do a lot with them. We set up obviously at the Hammond Yann Festival and, and thing, but yeah, not to give a unsolicited plug, but
Jonathan Breeden: No, yeah, no.
Donald O’Meara: It creamery JoCo right on two-ten as you’re going into Smithfield. That’s ice cream in Johnston County in my opinions.
Jonathan Breeden: It’s excellent ice cream and it’s open year-round, which some ice cream places are hot. And they have a food truck and if you have an event or would want them, they will be happy to come out and serve ice cream at any event that you have. And, [00:20:00] they’re open and it’s great service and they’re constantly changing the menu.
And I have to be real careful with the Chocoholic stuff because I don’t really need all that. But yeah it’s excellent and that’s been a nice get for that part of Smithfield because there really wasn’t a retail business over there. I guess, there was a gun shop where the Creamery is now a few years ago.
So that was good to get and it’s open seven days a week, I believe.
Donald O’Meara: It will be coming in the spring, in the winter. We close on Mondays, but we’re open seven days a week and we extend our hours in the summertime.
Jonathan Breeden: Oh that’s awesome.
Donald O’Meara: Yeah, and obviously we have a lot of young Johnston County kids working there for us too, so, which is really cool.
Jonathan Breeden: Right. Well, it’s great. I absolutely love Celtic Creamery and I go there probably too much.
So how can the listeners get in touch with you and your organization?
Donald O’Meara: Right. So, obviously we have a website, SoldByDonald.com. Our office line is 9199372618. You can call, text, or email that 24 hours a day. You can email me directly at Donald@SoldByDonald.com.
And we have obviously Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, all the good stuff.
Jonathan Breeden: Oh, yeah. [00:21:00] Well, we’ve got some of that too, to Breeden Law office. I don’t exactly know how it works but I have it. And so, anyway, it’s fascinating, well, cool.
Well, the last question we always ask the guest on this program is, what do you love most about Johnston County?
Donald O’Meara:So,
Jonathan Breeden: I,
Donald O’Meara: I mean,
Jonathan Breeden: I,
Donald O’Meara: that’s a hard answer, but the biggest thing that brought me to Johnston County was the small town feel. Everybody knows your name, kind of, you recognize people at the stores, but yet you still had everything you needed.
And then obviously locality. You know, right here between 40 and 95, you can get almost anywhere you want and
Jonathan Breeden: you know,
Donald O’Meara: that’s a big thing.
So, you know, being that, and then obviously, you know, good school systems, stuff like that. So there’s a lot of things that bring you to Johnston County. But I think the biggest thing to me is that even though it’s growing like crazy, it’s still’s got a small town feel.
Jonathan Breeden: Well, that’s great. And I would agree with that. I still like the small town feel and seeing my neighbors and knowing everybody and meeting new people. I love to meet new people too.
So we want to thank Donald O’Meara for coming on to the Best of Johnston County Podcast.
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New episodes come out every Monday. And so be looking for them. If this is your first time listening, feel free.
Go back, listen to some of the previous episodes, including the one with Adrian O’Neill, the Johnston County Parks and Rec Director, or Patrick Harris, Johnston County Commissioner or Ted Godwin Johnston County Commissioner about where this county’s going and some of the infrastructure plans that they are put in place and that are coming.
By listening to this podcast, you will learn a ton about Johnston County and where it’s going, and how the leaders of this county and the small businesses see its future and how you can play a part in it. Until next time, I’m your host, Jonathan Breeden.
That’s the end of today’s episode of [00:23:00] Best of Johnston County, a show brought to you by the trusted team at Breeden Law Office. We thank you for joining us today and we look forward to sharing more interesting facets of this community next week. Every story, every viewpoint adds another thread to the rich tapestry of Johnston County.
If the legal aspects highlighted raised some questions, help is just around the corner at www. breedenfirm. com.
Welcome to The Best of Johnston County podcast! In this exciting episode, we have the pleasure of sitting down with the renowned realtor, Donald O’Meara, to unveil the hidden gems of Johnston County real estate. As a seasoned expert in the local market, Donald shares his invaluable insights, market trends, and the best neighborhoods to live in. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the Johnston County real estate scene.
Uncovering the Current Market Trends:
In this episode, Donald takes us on a journey through the current market trends in Johnston County. With his finger on the pulse of the real estate industry, he reveals the factors driving the market, such as population growth, job opportunities, and the area’s unique charm. Whether you’re looking for a cozy suburban home or a sprawling estate, Donald provides expert advice on how to navigate the market and find the perfect property that suits your needs and budget.
Exploring the Best Neighborhoods in Johnston County:
Johnston County is home to a plethora of neighborhoods, each with its distinct character and amenities. Donald walks us through some of the best neighborhoods in the area, highlighting their unique features, schools, and community vibes. From family-friendly communities with top-rated schools to vibrant neighborhoods with bustling downtown areas, Johnston County offers something for everyone. Donald’s insider knowledge helps listeners gain a deeper understanding of the diverse neighborhoods and find the perfect place to call home.
Unveiling the Unique Charm of Johnston County:
Beyond the real estate market, Johnston County has a unique charm that sets it apart from other areas. Donald shares his personal experiences and stories, painting a vivid picture of what makes this county so special. From its rich history to its thriving arts and culture scene, listeners will gain a newfound appreciation for the hidden gems that Johnston County has to offer. Donald’s passion for the area shines through as he showcases the best of what this county has to offer.
If you’re in the market for a new home or considering investing in Johnston County, this episode of The Best of Johnston County Podcast is a goldmine of information. Realtor Donald O’Meara’s expertise and passion for the area make this an engaging and informative conversation that you won’t want to miss.
AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe to YouTube.
If you want to know more about Donald O’Meara, you may reach out to him at:
- Website: https://soldbydonald.com/
- Office Line: 919-937-2618
- Email: donald@soldbydonald.com
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