The Best of Johnston County YT Thumbnail_E13

Ask Jonathan Anything: Part 3

Are you curious about how child support is determined in North Carolina? Look no further, as the latest episode of The Best of Johnston County podcast delves into the complexities of family law with none other than Jonathan Breeden of Breeden Law Office. With years of experience representing families across Johnston, Harnett, and Wake Counties, Breeden is a wellspring of knowledge when it comes to legal matters of the heart and home.

In this special ‘Ask Jonathan Breeden Anything’ episode, social media coordinator Raena Burch puts Breeden in the hot seat with a series of questions that shed light on the nuances of child support. From the basics of how it’s calculated to the intricacies of the legal process, this episode is packed with valuable insights.

**Understanding Child Support in North Carolina**

Breeden explains that child support can be arranged informally between parents or enforced through a court order. He highlights the importance of understanding that child support is calculated based on a formula that considers the combined income of both parents, the number of children, and the costs associated with raising a child in North Carolina.

Listeners will learn about the different types of child support worksheets used in the state, including Schedule A for primary custody, Schedule B for joint custody, and Schedule C for split custody arrangements. Breeden also touches on the challenges of determining income for self-employed individuals and the possibility of reaching a consent order in most cases.

**Collaboration in Family Law**

The conversation also touches on the topic of collaboration in family law. Breeden clarifies that collaboration can take many forms, from seeking advice from other attorneys to taking over cases that have grown too complex for other law firms. He also introduces listeners to the concept of collaborative law, a process where both parties and their attorneys work together to reach an agreement without the threat of litigation.

**Tune In for Expert Insights**

Whether you’re a parent navigating the waters of child support or simply interested in the legal processes that affect families, this episode offers a wealth of information. Jonathan Breeden’s expertise makes even the most complicated topics accessible and understandable.

Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion. Click the link below to listen to the full episode and gain a deeper understanding of child support and family law in North Carolina.

[Listen to the Episode: The Best of Johnston County with Jonathan Breeden]